Welcome to Master Na Martial Arts!
We are excited to have you as a part of our program! View some more information below on how to get started with your first class.
Visit our dojang!
Federal Way: 34012 9th Ave S, Building C-1, Federal Way WA 98003
Lacey: 4706 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey, WA 98503
Shoreline: 15202 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133
Come to your class time
(4 - 6yrs) - Lil' Dragons
(6yrs+) - White Belt Orientation Time
Get your free uniform and $95 program gift card!
As a thank you for joining our program, we want to gift you a free uniform and program gift card. Enjoy!
Wear athletic clothes
You can choose to wear your uniform over your clothes, or just your uniform. We train without shoes and socks on, please no shoes on the mat. Thank you!
Contact us Directly.
Federal Way: (206) 429-3813 | fwmartialarts@gmail.com
Lacey: (360) 455-1600 | laceymartialarts@gmail.com
Shoreline: (206) 644-8287 | masternashoreline@gmail.com